Welcome to the results page for the Dechmont 3.5km Trail Race
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Bib # | Last Name | First Name | Finishing Time | Gender | Athlete Type | Age | Team Name | |||
Bib # | Last Name | First Name | Finishing Time | Gender | Athlete Type | Age | Team Name | |||
29 | Frame | Elliot | 12:40 | M | WL | 11 | Livingston & District | |||
108 | Green | Cameron | 12:40 | M | Runner | 11 | Giffnock North | |||
9 | Bohle | Alexander | 13:52 | M | Runner | 14 | Unattached | |||
170 | Elliot | Kane | 14:02 | M | Runner | 14 | Unattached | |||
96 | Steel | Hannah | 14:03 | F | WL | 12 | Lothian RC | |||
143 | Owieson | Joshua | 14:24 | M | Runner | 14 | Unattached | |||
175 | Macdonald | Zoe | 14:25 | F | Runner | 11 | Unattached | |||
32 | Gifford | Ellie | 15:13 | F | Runner | 13 | Falkirk Victoria Harr | |||
115 | Macdonald | Robyn | 15:18 | F | Runner | 11 | Unattached | |||
19 | Dalgano | Heather | 18:52 | F | Runner | 36 | Unattached | |||
144 | O'neil | Caroline | 23:16 | F | Runner | 55 | Unattached |
Table data was last modified at UTC: June 12 2016 15:35:48.:-2016/dechmont3km.csv?v=1739009000