Welcome to the results page for the Dechmont Fun Run

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Bib #Last Name First NameGender Age Finishing Time Finishing Time
Bib #Last Name First NameGender Age Finishing Time Finishing Time
116MoirLewisM9 09:20.05009:20
121CollingsJonotanM9 10:29.22010:29
166McgintyAidenM11 10:36.97710:36
120MacloudFraserM9 11:06.82411:06
118McleodEuanM12 11:12.30711:12
122CollingsHannahF9 11:22.78011:22
174MacdonaldGregorM9 11:30.50011:30
130TurnerEilidhF8 11:33.01011:33
167DryburghHaydenM10 12:02.80012:02
172KnowlesRebeccaF10 12:03.36012:03
177KennedyJamieM11 12:04.81712:04
178LangMeganF7 12:12.51712:12
124BartieEllenF9 12:56.10012:56
114MacdonaaldSorleyM9 14:02.18414:02
119DownesLornaF44 14:08.80414:08
126BartieHatssieF7 15:01.09415:01
168BallantineEvieF9 15:03.92015:03
132BrindleyHannaF7 15:16.67715:16
182ChiukiraAliceF11 16:17.09716:17
181AnneLindsayF50 16:17.34716:17
169McmeechhanErinF8 16:32.16016:32
173KnowlesHannahF4 16:56.71416:56
125BartieKerryF45 17:01.99717:01
131JonstoneChloeF7 17:17.47017:17
129MckayAlisonF6 18:08.21418:08
128BentonKirstyF42 18:10.36418:10
190WishartMaraF3 22:58.49722:58

Table data was last modified at UTC: June 12 2016 18:23:19.:-2016/dechmontfun.csv?v=1739007806